If you have taken a walk on beautiful preserved land in Hopewell Valley, odds are that FoHVOS July Force of Nature, Katherine Dresdner, has had...
Archive for tag: Mercer County

PennEast Pipeline: A habitat threat
The major component of the FoHVOS stewardship mission is protecting and restoring natural habitats. A quick review of our stewardship staff and volunteers’ time indicate...

Finding Inspiration
My blog today is about enjoying the benefits of being outside. We can start by appreciating our local preserves and the well-being attained by connecting...

Featured Partner: Mercer County Parks
After Remembering Ted Stiles, you know that FoHVOS founder, Ted Stiles worked for a decade to protect the beautiful Baldpate mountain from development. The Ted Stiles Preserve...

Remembering Ted Stiles
While most Hopewell Valley folks know Baldpate Mountain, few newcomers are familiar with its rich history including the decade long fight led by Friends of...