Carol Kleis

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Carol Kleis, President of the Board of Trustees (2015-present), has been with FoHVOS since 2000 and served as Vice President 2008-2014 and Secretary 2007-2008. Now retired, her professional background in government-business relations provided experience in the start-up and operations of a consulting company that eventually became a division of a Fortune-1000 firm. Her corporate responsibilities included direct Congressional interactions and working with lobbyists on Capitol Hill, and serving as Executive Director of the National Employment Opportunities Network.

Beyond her commitment to FoHVOS, Carol’s interest in conservation and ecological preservation has found expression in her role on the municipal Hopewell Valley Open Space Advisory Committee, and as a Master Gardener. In the latter, she actively gives to the community in public outreach and education centered around native plants in the landscape.

Carol has a B.S. from Purdue University and M.B.A. from Rider University. She has been an active member of the community since moving to Titusville with her husband Rex Parker in 1994. Having traveled widely in South America and Europe, she has found her life-long home here in Hopewell Township.
