July 2023 Kestrel Update
July Kestrel Update!
Dear Community Conservation Partners,
We had a very successful kestrel season this year. We had 19 active boxes, up from 17 last year. Unfortunately, three of the boxes failed. But, we had 61 chicks banded from the 15 successful boxes. Three adult females were recaptures, they were previously banded and two adult females were newly banded. One adult male was newly captured and banded. We at FoHVOS would like to thank all our kestrel monitoring volunteers for their hard work this year and a special thank you to the landowners who allowed us to put the boxes on their land and allowing us access for monitoring. We are looking forward to next year already. If you would like to be a kestrel box monitor, please reach out to Beth Craighead at bcraighead@fohvos.org