Members, Partners, and Friends of the Strike Team

The Strike Team offers trainings in the field and classroom

Together, We Can Nip Invasive Species in the Bud!

The management of invasive species has been an ongoing struggle for land stewards. In general, control of already widespread invasive species is not possible beyond select, intensive efforts. Most land stewards agree that existing control efforts are a ‘drop in the bucket’ relative to the enormity of the problem. The strategy of Early Detection & Rapid Response is an efficient strategy to eliminate or minimize future adverse impacts at the landscape scale. It carries the hopeful message that we can “prevent the next Japanese barberry” and reduce future ecological degradation.

The Strike Team serves as the organizing entity to focus cooperative efforts between partners. Partners have access to numerous benefits, including training on identification and eradication of invasive species and access to our database. Under the guidance and support of the Strike Team, partners search open space, report detections of emerging invasive species and initiate eradication efforts on the land they are responsible for managing. The Strike Team pledges to assist in these efforts, either through direct physical support or through shared expertise or in-kind resources.

We encourage any public or private agency, organization, business, or individual to contact us about joining the Strike Team partnership. We welcome new members and volunteers.

Strike Team Supporters

The following supporters have contributed greater than $500 through grants, donations, or contracts to the Strike Team


Contributing Partners

Organizational partners providing contributions and/or grant partnerships. If you would like to become a Supporter or Contributing Partner, please reach out to