Throughout the municipality of Princeton, along with our dedicated partners, the Strike Team has been working to control Amur Corktree, Boston Ivy, Callery Pear, English Ivy, Japanese Aralia, Japanese Maple, Jetbead, Kousa Dogwood, Oriental Photinia, Siebold’s Viburnum, Toringo Crabapple and Wintercreeper since 2017. Japanese Maple has been of primary concern due to the high population in the Princeton area. Since 2017, we were able to eradicate more than 110 populations.
As in the Hopewell Valley, Japanese Aralia has several limited, but notable, populations. Our goal is complete eradication of this highly threatening species in both Princeton and throughout the Hopewell Valley.
Project Type: Contract
Project Period: 2017 – Present
Project Location: Herrontown Woods, Mountain Lakes
Project Funders: Municipality of Princeton
Project Partners: Friends of Herrontown Woods, Friends of Princeton Open Space, Municipality of Princeton