
April Earth Day Conservation Contest

Hopewell Valley Regional School District

Watch for communications from the Hopewell Valley Regional School District to learn the details about their conservation challenge and contest!

The winning class will go on a customized hike at a FoHVOS preserve led by FoHVOS Stewardship Director Michael Van Clef Ph.D.

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WCAS Birding Field Trip at Mount Rose Preserve

Mount Rose Preserve Mount Rose Preserve, Princeton

FoHVOS is co-sponsoring a field trip with Washington Crossing Audubon Society on Saturday, April 20, at 7:00 AM, led by Sharyn Magee and Beth Craighead. Mount Rose Preserve consists of 387 acres of meadows, shrub land, and forest. On this walk we will be looking for a variety of early spring migrants. With the diversity of habitat, this is a naturalist’s treat.