“David’s Park”
David Voorhees
David Voorhees spends his retirement hard at work. Although he did not begin his native species planting initiative until a few years ago, David has been a longtime Conservation Community participant. He actively helps with Ash borer stewardship, kestrel box monitoring, and invasive species removal. At home, David has been working to create a wooded park on his 3-acre property, which is adjacent to FoHVOS Skyview Preserve.
David has been constructing a vibrant native forest to highlight the natural beauty and diversity of his property since 2015. The first year of David’s efforts concentrated on clearing vines, multiflora rose, and fallen trees. From the fence posts of his deer and rabbit exclosure to an impressive footbridge, all the building materials in “David’s Park” are sourced from fallen cedar trees on the property.
In 2016, the Strike Team assessed his land. Our stewardship director helped to pinpoint invasive species, and develop a native planting strategy. Over the last four years, David has learned from each new season. He lets the meadow take its course, and supplements with new native plants each spring and fall through FoHVOS. According to David, the next challenges are finding the optimal balance in each particular micro-climate on the property. Areas vary from dry to very soggy, almost swamp like. David stresses how important observation is as a way to learn. He notably observes what grows well in each environment and works hard against invasive species, which inevitably pop back up from time to time. He is also preparing for Ash tree death by planting pinoak, blackgum and various shrubs.
Working with the Strike Team, his son, and his own hands, David set about eradicating invasives and cultivating a healthy forest. Now, “David’s Park” is a woodland oasis, complete with a native garden and winding trails, all within a deer exclosure built with fallen cedar trees from the property.
- “David’s Park” and Voorhees’ land is hemmed in by Skyview Preserve, where David monitors kestrel boxes.
- David is a musician and has plans to host outdoor concerts in his park.