COVID-19 Updates

**Due to Coronavirus (COVID 19) Concerns, all FoHVOS events have been rescheduled or reformatted. **
We will keep this page up to date on open preserves and virtual opportunities.
Our Preserves
With respect for public safety and the NJ Governor’s directive, FoHVOS is closing preserves that are owned with state government or where we don’t have resources to monitor social distancing.
OPEN Preserves |
Eames Preserve | |
Elks Preserve | |
Heritage Preserve | |
Kulak Preserve | |
Mt. Rose Preserve | |
Nayfield Preserve | |
Thompson Preserve | |
Skyview Preserve | |
Baldpate Mountain | |
Woosamonsa Ridge |
Mercer Meadows | |
(Curlis Lake, Pole Farm, & Rosedale) |
FoHVOS COVID Safe Activities

Staying Healthy with Nature
- FoHVOS Spring 2020 Newsletter
- Mercer Me- Local coalition works for racial justice through environmental equity
- NJ Spotlight- Op-Ed: How About Moving Some Classes to the Great Outdoors When Schools Reopen?
- MercerMe- ED of FoHVOS Talks About Decision to Keep Trails Open
- MercerMe- Hopewell Valley Leaders Keep Recreation Areas available to Residents
- MercerMe- LTE: Now is the time to Reconnect with Nature
- Northwestern- Vitamin D Appears to Play Role in COVID-19 Mortality Rates
- The Hill- Evidence mounts that outside is safer when it comes to COVID-19
- University of Virginia- Exercise may Protect again deadly COVID-19 Complication, Research Suggests
- MercerMe- On the Environment: Lets Not Return to Normal
- Walking seen as a positive in era of coronavirus
Noteworthy Reads
- NY Times- How (and why) to use Native Plants
- The Conversation- Biodiversity and our brains: how ecology and mental health go together in our cities
- The Guardian- Be a Citizen Scientist: Track plastic waste, Spot a spider monkey or Beat Coronavirus
- Return to Now- “No Mow May” Campaign Asks Us to Leave the Lawn Alone Until June to Help Save Bees
- National Wildlife Foundation- Garden for Wildlife Photo Contest
- Hopewell Express- Nature in the Valley: Everyday Should be Earth Day
- Don’t screw this up, N.J.! Before parks and golf courses reopen, here are new coronavirus rules
- MercerMe- Clean Communities event cancelled amid COVID-19 concerns
- MercerMe- FoHVOS announces Earth Day Updates: Tree Planting, Online Workshop, and Native Plant Discounts
-– Coronavirus: In NJ, don’t be frightened into using single-use plastic bags
Worth Watching
- #HVHugATree
- How to Compost in your Backyard By Rutgers Co- Op Extenstion
- The Bee Farmers by Steve Utaski
- Wild Crossing by PBS Ecosense for Living
- Gardening with Deer Resistant Native Plants Workshop by FoHVOS and Wild Ridge Plants
- Gardening with Natives, Controlling Invasives by FoHVOS Strike Team and Sustainable Princeton