Wow, 2019 is here! Did you make a resolution? Lose weight? Get organized? Volunteer? The majority of my friends and family dislike resolutions. Why put such importance on the new year? Every day can mark the first day of positive lifestyle changes. It’s such a disappointment when you “fall off the wagon” then the whole year is blown…
On the other hand, I love resolutions. For me it is an annual reminder to reserve some time to really be aware and set a mindful intention for improvement. Thinking of resolutions as “intentions” (or desires) helps detach from the outcomes and also allows the universe to help out.
My resolution or intention for both myself and our readers is to be happier.
Fun fact: I truly believe that setting goals, desires, and intentions is how I have achieved almost everything good in my life.
That concludes our philosophical portion. Now onto the science…

I did a little research and both Fast Company and Inc magazines posted online articles coming to the same conclusions about the 10 “Science-Backed Ways to be Happier.”The Fast Company article includes cool before and after brain pictures. Both articles provide a fascinating read and list a multitude of sources confirming that their recommendations are proven to make people happier. I have summarized their findings in a nifty table I titled, FoHVOS “Get your Happy On.”
Now I can’t help you with the recommendation to “Move closer to work,” although I can provide a testimonial confirming that while living in Hopewell, I’ve held jobs in Pennsylvania, DC and one requiring weekly drives to Newark or PHL. There is no doubt my commute to Titusville is an improvement and officing atop Baldpate Mountain is a dream come true.
More importantly, I can help with the rest of the list. Start by taking a guided walk on FoHVOS lands. Last year FoHVOS offered a popular “Force of Nature Hike” series and an #OptOutside hike.
Hiking by definition is a form of exercise so #1 is accomplished. We do it outside so we’re good on #5. An interesting aside was that happiness is maximized at 57 degrees outside.
Anyway, it is great if you sign up for our hikes with friends and family but even if you come alone, by the end you will have made friends with the others and we addressed #4.

Here is where it gets more interesting. Romy of RomYoga led our hikes and her format is conducive to optimizing happiness. This means our hikes include smiling (#7), meditation (#9) and practicing gratitude (#10.)
Sleeping more (#2) or at least more soundly naturally results from having improved 1,4,5,7,9 and 10 on our hike.
This leaves us with number 6 or “Helping Others.” Your most basic self is probably helping others. By communing with the other hikers you share great energy with our community. Additionally, you can decide the level of commitment you would like to share. The science suggests a 100 hours is optimal, but even microvolunteering can make a difference. FoHVOS can customize volunteering opportunities to your needs. Whether it’s laboring outdoors, or applying your skills indoors, we offer those opportunities as well. Email me at Lwolff@fohvos.org and we’ll get you hooked up.
The joy of Helping Others can be summarized with my favorite quote from Flora Edwards, “In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.”
I look forward to sharing the journey to increase your happiness. By doing so, you increase mine as well and for that I am grateful. Here is to a Happy 2019!
An excerpt of this article appears in January’s Hopewell Valley Neighbors magazine.